Filing Details

Accession Number:
Form Type:
Zero Holdings:
Publication Time:
2025-03-05 19:57:38
Reporting Period:
Filing Date:
Accepted Time:
2025-03-05 19:57:38
SEC Url:
Form 4 Filing
Cik Name Symbol Sector (SIC) IRS No
62234 Marcus Corp MCS Services-Motion Picture Theaters (7830) 391139844
Cik Name Reported Address Insider Title Director Officer Large Shareholder Other
1333075 S Gregory Marcus The Marcus Corporation
111 E. Kilbourn Avenue, Suite 1200
Milwaukee WI 53202
President And Ceo No No No No
Reported Non-Derivative Transactions
Sec. Name Acquisiton - Disposition Date Amount Price Remaning Holdings Equity Swap Involved Form Type Code Nature of Ownership Explanation
Common Stock Disposition 2025-03-03 21,758 $0.00 489,771 No 4 S Direct
Equity Swap Involved Form Type Code Nature of Ownership Explanation
No 4 S Direct
Reported Derivative Transactions
Sec. Name Sec. Type Acquisiton - Disposition Date Amount Price Amount - 2 Price - 2
Common Stock Class B Common Stock Acquisiton 2025-03-03 21,758 $0.00 21,758 $0.00
Remaning Holdings Exercise Date Expiration Date Equity Swap Involved Transaction Form Type Transaction Code Nature of Ownership
214,495 No 4 P Direct
Reported Non-Derivative Holdings
Sec. Name Remaning Holdings Nature of Ownership Explanation
Common Stock 75 Indirect As custodian
Common Stock 7,384 Indirect By 401(k)
Reported Derivative Holdings
Sec. Name Sec. Type Price Date Expiration Date Amount Remaning Holdings Nature of Ownership
Common Stock Stock Option (right to buy) (granted 7/29/14) $18.34 2024-07-29 49,500 49,500 Direct
Common Stock Stock Option (right to buy) (granted 7/28/15) $20.26 2025-07-28 44,100 44,100 Direct
Common Stock Stock Option (right to buy) (granted 3/1/16) $18.68 2026-03-01 28,500 28,500 Direct
Common Stock Stock Option (right to buy) (granted 2/28/17) $31.20 2027-02-28 40,000 40,000 Direct
Common Stock Stock Option (right to buy) (granted 2/27/18) $27.00 2028-02-27 75,000 75,000 Direct
Common Stock Stock Option (right to buy) (granted 2/26/19) $41.90 2029-02-26 70,200 70,200 Direct
Common Stock Stock Option (right to buy) (granted 2/25/20) $28.88 2030-02-25 121,000 121,000 Direct
Common Stock Stock Option (right to buy) (granted 5/8/20) $12.71 2030-05-08 80,000 80,000 Direct
Common Stock Stock Option (right to buy) (granted 3/9/21) $21.84 2031-03-09 137,300 137,300 Direct
Common Stock Stock Option (right to buy) (granted 3/8/22) $17.04 2032-03-08 152,000 152,000 Direct
Common Stock Stock Option (right to buy) (granted 3/7/23) $15.99 2033-03-07 172,300 172,300 Direct
Common Stock Class B Common Stock $0.00 13,431 13,431 Indirect
Common Stock Class B Common Stock $0.00 10,786 10,786 Indirect
Common Stock Class B Common Stock $0.00 18,233 18,233 Indirect
Expiration Date Amount Remaning Holdings Nature of Ownership
2024-07-29 49,500 49,500 Direct
2025-07-28 44,100 44,100 Direct
2026-03-01 28,500 28,500 Direct
2027-02-28 40,000 40,000 Direct
2028-02-27 75,000 75,000 Direct
2029-02-26 70,200 70,200 Direct
2030-02-25 121,000 121,000 Direct
2030-05-08 80,000 80,000 Direct
2031-03-09 137,300 137,300 Direct
2032-03-08 152,000 152,000 Direct
2033-03-07 172,300 172,300 Direct
13,431 13,431 Indirect
10,786 10,786 Indirect
18,233 18,233 Indirect
  1. Represents the exchange of Common Stock to Diane Marcus Gershowitz for Class B Common Stock.
  2. As sole custodian of the Alexandra Marcus U/WI/UTMA.
  3. Balance reflects the most current data available with regard to the reporting person's holdings in the 401(k) Plan.
  4. This security is convertible into common stock on a 1-for-1 basis at no cost.
  5. This security is immediately exercisable.
  6. No expiration date.
  7. The options originally granted vest and become exercisable as follows: 40% after 2nd anniversary of the date of grant; 60% after 3rd anniversary; 80% after 4th anniversary; and 100% after 5 years.
  8. The options originally granted vest and become exercisable as follows: 50% after 2nd anniversary of the date of grant; 75% after 3rd anniversary; and 100% after 4 years.
  9. As trustee of the Gabriella Marcus Trust, the Daniella Marcus Trust and the Jessica Marcus Trust.
  10. As sole custodian of the Alexandra Marcus U/WI/UTMA, the Michael Marcus U/WI/UTMA, and the Samantha Marcus U/WI/UTMA.