Filing Details

Accession Number:
Form Type:
Zero Holdings:
Publication Time:
2025-03-05 18:30:09
Reporting Period:
Filing Date:
Accepted Time:
2025-03-05 18:30:09
SEC Url:
Form 4 Filing
Cik Name Symbol Sector (SIC) IRS No
1065696 Lkq Corp LKQ Wholesale-Motor Vehicles & Motor Vehicle Parts & Supplies (5010) 364215970
Cik Name Reported Address Insider Title Director Officer Large Shareholder Other
1635955 P Dominick Zarcone C/O Lkq Corporation
5846 Crossings Blvd.
Antioch TN 37013
No No No No
Reported Non-Derivative Transactions
Sec. Name Acquisiton - Disposition Date Amount Price Remaning Holdings Equity Swap Involved Form Type Code Nature of Ownership Explanation
Common Stock Disposition 2025-03-03 11,618 $42.26 351,135 No 4 F Direct
Common Stock Disposition 2025-03-03 15,000 $42.32 336,135 No 4 S Direct
Equity Swap Involved Form Type Code Nature of Ownership Explanation
No 4 F Direct
No 4 S Direct
Reported Non-Derivative Holdings
Sec. Name Remaning Holdings Nature of Ownership Explanation
Common Stock 1,600 Indirect By wife
  1. This transaction represents shares withheld by the issuer to pay the tax withholding amount required upon the vesting of restricted stock units.
  2. The price reflects the weighted average sale price of the transaction reported. The price range of such transactions was $42.02 to $42.76. The reporting person undertakes to provide upon request by the Commission staff, the issuer, or a security holder of the issuer full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate price.