Filing Details

Accession Number:
Form Type:
Zero Holdings:
Publication Time:
2025-01-10 16:15:14
Reporting Period:
Accepted Time:
2025-01-10 16:15:14
SEC Url:
Form 4 Filing
Cik Name Symbol Sector (SIC) IRS No
1755953 Gryphon Digital Mining Inc. GRYP Finance Services (6199) 832242651
Cik Name Reported Address Insider Title Director Officer Large Shareholder Other
1918874 Brittany Kaiser 1180 N. Town Center Drive,
Suite 100
Las Vegas NV 89114
Yes No No No
Reported Non-Derivative Transactions
Sec. Name Acquisiton - Disposition Date Amount Price Remaning Holdings Equity Swap Involved Form Type Code Nature of Ownership Explanation
Common Stock Disposition 2025-01-08 604,581 $0.35 604,581 No 4 S Indirect See Footnote
Equity Swap Involved Form Type Code Nature of Ownership Explanation
No 4 S Indirect See Footnote
Reported Non-Derivative Holdings
Sec. Name Remaning Holdings Nature of Ownership Explanation
Common Stock 264,080 Direct
  1. Represents shares of Common Stock of the issuer issuable upon settlement of Restricted Stock Units, subject to vesting conditions.
  2. Represents shares transferred from Achayot Partners LLC to Natalie Kaiser in connection with her exit from Achayot Partners LLC. Prior to the transfer, the reporting person and Natalie Kaiser each held a 50% ownership stake in Achayot Partners LLC and shared voting and investment control over the shares held by it.
  3. Represents shares held by Achayot Partners LLC. The reporting person is the CEO and 100% owner of Achayot Partners LLC.