Filing Details

Accession Number:
Form Type:
Zero Holdings:
Publication Time:
2021-12-07 16:07:11
Reporting Period:
Accepted Time:
2021-12-07 16:07:11
SEC Url:
Form 4 Filing
Cik Name Symbol Sector (SIC) IRS No
1637873 Acv Auctions Inc. ACVA () 4
Cik Name Reported Address Insider Title Director Officer Large Shareholder Other
1252022 P Robert Goodman C/O Acv Auctions Inc.
640 Ellicott Street, #321
Buffalo NY 14203
Yes No No No
Reported Non-Derivative Transactions
Sec. Name Acquisiton - Disposition Date Amount Price Remaning Holdings Equity Swap Involved Form Type Code Nature of Ownership Explanation
Class A Common Stock Disposition 2021-12-02 145,702 $21.67 283,667 No 4 S Direct
Class A Common Stock Disposition 2021-12-03 49,222 $21.32 234,445 No 4 S Direct
Equity Swap Involved Form Type Code Nature of Ownership Explanation
No 4 S Direct
No 4 S Direct
  1. On December 2, 2021, the Reporting Person sold 145,702 shares of Class A Common Stock of the Issuer (the "Shares"). The Shares were sold in multiple executions at a price per share ranging from $21.00 to $22.07, with an average execution price per share of $21.67. The Reporting Person hereby undertakes, upon request of the Staff of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the Issuer or a security holder of the Issuer, to provide full information regarding such individual executions.
  2. On December 3, 2021, the Reporting Person sold 49,222 shares of Class A Common Stock of the Issuer (the "12/3 Shares"). The 12/3 Shares were sold in multiple executions at a price per share ranging from $21.00 to $22.07, with an average execution price per share of $21.32. The Reporting Person hereby undertakes, upon request of the Staff of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the Issuer or a security holder of the Issuer, to provide full information regarding such individual executions.