Filing Details

Accession Number:
Form Type:
Zero Holdings:
Publication Time:
2020-10-05 16:05:21
Reporting Period:
Accepted Time:
2020-10-05 16:05:21
SEC Url:
Form 4 Filing
Cik Name Symbol Sector (SIC) IRS No
1770787 10X Genomics Inc. TXG Laboratory Analytical Instruments (3826) 455614458
Cik Name Reported Address Insider Title Director Officer Large Shareholder Other
1786720 Serge Saxonov C/O 10X Genomics, Inc.
6230 Stoneridge Mall Road
Pleasanton CA 94588
Chief Executive Officer Yes Yes Yes No
Reported Non-Derivative Transactions
Sec. Name Acquisiton - Disposition Date Amount Price Remaning Holdings Equity Swap Involved Form Type Code Nature of Ownership Explanation
Class A Common Stock Acquisiton 2020-10-01 6,250 $1.20 973,431 No 4 M Direct
Class A Common Stock Acquisiton 2020-10-01 3,750 $5.04 977,181 No 4 M Direct
Class A Common Stock Disposition 2020-10-01 1,600 $124.35 975,581 No 4 S Direct
Class A Common Stock Disposition 2020-10-01 6,150 $125.54 969,431 No 4 S Direct
Class A Common Stock Disposition 2020-10-01 2,250 $126.08 967,181 No 4 S Direct
Equity Swap Involved Form Type Code Nature of Ownership Explanation
No 4 M Direct
No 4 M Direct
No 4 S Direct
No 4 S Direct
No 4 S Direct
Reported Derivative Transactions
Sec. Name Sec. Type Acquisiton - Disposition Date Amount Price Amount - 2 Price - 2
Class A Common Stock Stock Option (right to buy) Disposition 2020-10-01 6,250 $0.00 6,250 $1.20
Class A Common Stock Stock Option (right to buy) Disposition 2020-10-01 3,750 $0.00 3,750 $5.04
Remaning Holdings Exercise Date Expiration Date Equity Swap Involved Transaction Form Type Transaction Code Nature of Ownership
122,360 2027-10-18 No 4 M Direct
132,015 2028-11-02 No 4 M Direct
  1. This option exercise was effected pursuant to a Rule 10b5-1 trading plan entered into by the Reporting Person.
  2. This sale was effected pursuant to a Rule 10b5-1 trading plan entered into by the Reporting Person.
  3. This transaction was executed in multiple trades at prices ranging from $123.86 to $124.85. The price reported above reflects the weighted average sale price. The Reporting Person undertakes to provide upon request by the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Issuer, or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate sale price.
  4. This transaction was executed in multiple trades at prices ranging from $124.91 to $125.87. The price reported above reflects the weighted average sale price. The Reporting Person undertakes to provide upon request by the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Issuer, or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate sale price.
  5. This transaction was executed in multiple trades at prices ranging from $125.91 to $126.88. The price reported above reflects the weighted average sale price. The Reporting Person undertakes to provide upon request by the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Issuer, or a security holder of the Issuer, full information regarding the number of shares sold at each separate sale price.
  6. This option, originally for 300,000 shares, of which 177,640 have been exercised, vested as to one-forty-eighth of the shares on October 1, 2017, and one forty-eighth of the shares subject to the option vest each month thereafter, subject to the Reporting Person continuing as a service provider through each such date.
  7. This option, originally for 250,000 shares, of which 117,985 have been exercised, vested as to one forty-eighth of the shares on October 1, 2018, and one-forty-eighth of the shares subject to the option vest each month thereafter, subject to the Reporting Person continuing as a service provider through each such date.