Filing Details

Accession Number:
Form Type:
Zero Holdings:
Publication Time:
2018-11-29 15:16:26
Reporting Period:
Accepted Time:
2018-11-29 15:16:26
SEC Url:
Form 4 Filing
Cik Name Symbol Sector (SIC) IRS No
1173514 Hyster-Yale Materials Handling Inc. HY Industrial Trucks, Tractors, Trailors & Stackers (3537) 311637659
Cik Name Reported Address Insider Title Director Officer Large Shareholder Other
1247945 B Elizabeth Rankin 5875 Landerbrook Drive
Mayfield Heights OH 44124
No No No Yes
Reported Non-Derivative Transactions
Sec. Name Acquisiton - Disposition Date Amount Price Remaning Holdings Equity Swap Involved Form Type Code Nature of Ownership Explanation
Class A Common Stock Acquisiton 2018-11-27 2 $64.99 374 No 4 P Indirect Spouse's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
Class A Common Stock Acquisiton 2018-11-27 2 $64.99 445 No 4 P Indirect Reporting person's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
Class A Common Stock Acquisiton 2018-11-27 3 $64.99 444 No 4 P Indirect Child's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
Class A Common Stock Acquisiton 2018-11-27 3 $64.99 444 No 4 P Indirect Child's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
Class A Common Stock Acquisiton 2018-11-28 1 $64.52 375 No 4 P Indirect Spouse's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
Class A Common Stock Acquisiton 2018-11-28 2 $64.52 447 No 4 P Indirect Reporting person's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
Class A Common Stock Acquisiton 2018-11-28 2 $64.52 446 No 4 P Indirect Child's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
Class A Common Stock Acquisiton 2018-11-28 2 $64.52 446 No 4 P Indirect Child's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
Class A Common Stock Acquisiton 2018-11-28 1 $64.98 376 No 4 P Indirect Spouse's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
Class A Common Stock Acquisiton 2018-11-28 1 $64.98 448 No 4 P Indirect Reporting person's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
Class A Common Stock Acquisiton 2018-11-28 1 $64.98 447 No 4 P Indirect Child's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
Class A Common Stock Acquisiton 2018-11-28 1 $64.98 447 No 4 P Indirect Child's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
Equity Swap Involved Form Type Code Nature of Ownership Explanation
No 4 P Indirect Spouse's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
No 4 P Indirect Reporting person's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
No 4 P Indirect Child's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
No 4 P Indirect Child's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
No 4 P Indirect Spouse's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
No 4 P Indirect Reporting person's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
No 4 P Indirect Child's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
No 4 P Indirect Child's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
No 4 P Indirect Spouse's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
No 4 P Indirect Reporting person's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
No 4 P Indirect Child's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
No 4 P Indirect Child's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates VI
Reported Non-Derivative Holdings
Sec. Name Remaning Holdings Nature of Ownership Explanation
Class A Common Stock 722 Direct
Class A Common Stock 2,058 Indirect Reporting Person?s proportionate interests in shares held by Rankin Associates II.
Class A Common Stock 1,860 Indirect Minor child's trust?s proportionate interests in shares held by Rankin Associates II.
Class A Common Stock 645 Indirect Reporting Person's spouse is co-trustee of a Trust fbo minor child.
Class A Common Stock 500 Indirect Held by Reporting Person's spouse.
Class A Common Stock 9,000 Indirect Spouse's proportionate interests in shares held by Rankin Associates II.
Class A Common Stock 80 Indirect Spouse's proportionate interest in shares held by Rankin Associates V
Class A Common Stock 10,838 Indirect Held through a trust of which the Reporting Person's spouse is trustee
Class A Common Stock 1,712 Indirect Minor child's trust?s proportionate interests in shares held by Rankin Associates II.
Class A Common Stock 563 Indirect Reporting Person's spouse is co-trustee of a Trust fbo minor child.
Reported Derivative Holdings
Sec. Name Sec. Type Price Date Expiration Date Amount Remaning Holdings Nature of Ownership
Class A Common Stock Class B Common Stock $0.00 722 722 Direct
Class A Common Stock Class B Common Stock $0.00 2,058 2,058 Indirect
Class A Common Stock Class B Common Stock $0.00 1,860 1,860 Indirect
Class A Common Stock Class B Common Stock $0.00 645 645 Indirect
Class A Common Stock Class B Common Stock $0.00 500 500 Indirect
Class A Common Stock Class B Common Stock $0.00 9,000 9,000 Indirect
Class A Common Stock Class B Common Stock $0.00 11,170 11,170 Indirect
Class A Common Stock Class B Common Stock $0.00 1,712 1,712 Indirect
Class A Common Stock Class B Common Stock $0.00 563 563 Indirect
Expiration Date Amount Remaning Holdings Nature of Ownership
722 722 Direct
2,058 2,058 Indirect
1,860 1,860 Indirect
645 645 Indirect
500 500 Indirect
9,000 9,000 Indirect
11,170 11,170 Indirect
1,712 1,712 Indirect
563 563 Indirect
  1. Shares purchased pursuant to 10b5-1 plan
  2. Reporting Person disclaims beneficial ownership of all such shares.
  3. 2018-Nov-28 -Block 1 Weighted Average- Share Price represents average price between $63.82 and $64.73.
  4. 2018-Nov-28 -Block 2 Weighted Average- Share Price represents average price between $64.88 and $64.99.
  5. N/A