Filing Details
- Accession Number:
- 0001127602-16-067485
- Form Type:
- 4
- Zero Holdings:
- No
- Publication Time:
- 2016-11-16 19:16:23
- Reporting Period:
- 2016-11-16
- Filing Date:
- 2016-11-16
- Accepted Time:
- 2016-11-16 19:16:23
- SEC Url:
- Form 4 Filing
Cik | Name | Symbol | Sector (SIC) | IRS No |
1436425 | Home Bancorp Inc. | HBCP | Savings Institutions, Not Federally Chartered (6036) | 000000000 |
Cik | Name | Reported Address | Insider Title | Director | Officer | Large Shareholder | Other |
1446489 | A John Hendry | C/O Home Bancorp, Inc. 503 Kalistee Saloom Road Lafayette LA 70598 | Yes | No | No | No |
Reported Non-Derivative Transactions
Sec. Name | Acquisiton - Disposition | Date | Amount | Price | Remaning Holdings | Equity Swap Involved | Form Type | Code | Nature of Ownership | Explanation |
Common Stock | Acquisiton | 2016-11-16 | 1,524 | $32.97 | 26,524 | No | 4 | P | Indirect | By Spouse |
Equity Swap Involved | Form Type | Code | Nature of Ownership | Explanation |
No | 4 | P | Indirect | By Spouse |
Reported Non-Derivative Holdings
Sec. Name | Remaning Holdings | Nature of Ownership | Explanation |
Common Stock | 139,180 | Direct |
- Includes 25,000 shares held jointly with the reporting person's spouse.
- Includes the grant of 900 restricted stock units pursuant to the Issuer's 2014 Incentive Plan that vest in equal installments at the rate of 20% per year commencing on May 12, 2016 and that may be settled only in shares of the Issuer's common stock.
- Includes the grant of 800 restricted stock units pursuant to the Issuer's 2014 Incentive Plan that vest in equal installments at the rate of 20% per year commencing on May 23, 2017 and that may be settled only in shares of the Issuer's common stock.