Filing Details
- Accession Number:
- 0001140361-15-003035
- Form Type:
- 4
- Zero Holdings:
- No
- Publication Time:
- 2015-01-28 16:22:40
- Reporting Period:
- 2015-01-27
- Filing Date:
- 2015-01-28
- Accepted Time:
- 2015-01-28 16:22:40
- SEC Url:
- Form 4 Filing
Cik | Name | Symbol | Sector (SIC) | IRS No |
1547158 | Tortoise Energy Independence Fund Inc. | NDP | () | 000000000 |
Cik | Name | Reported Address | Insider Title | Director | Officer | Large Shareholder | Other |
1280969 | Kevin H Birzer | 11550 Ash Street Suite 300 Leawood KS 66211 | Yes | No | No | No |
Reported Non-Derivative Transactions
Sec. Name | Acquisiton - Disposition | Date | Amount | Price | Remaning Holdings | Equity Swap Involved | Form Type | Code | Nature of Ownership | Explanation |
Common Shares | Acquisiton | 2015-01-27 | 100 | $19.95 | 4,200 | No | 4 | P | Direct |
Equity Swap Involved | Form Type | Code | Nature of Ownership | Explanation |
No | 4 | P | Direct |
Reported Non-Derivative Holdings
Sec. Name | Remaning Holdings | Nature of Ownership | Explanation |
Common Shares | 300 | Indirect | By spouse as custodian of children's accounts |
- Indirect shares noted above held by spouse as custodian of children's accounts, but excluding 100 shares held by adult child no longer living at home and in which the reporting person no longer has a reportable beneficial interest but which have been included in the reporting person's prior ownership information.