Filing Details

Accession Number:
Form Type:
Zero Holdings:
Publication Time:
2014-12-02 17:17:05
Reporting Period:
Filing Date:
Accepted Time:
2014-12-02 17:17:05
SEC Url:
Form 4 Filing
Cik Name Symbol Sector (SIC) IRS No
1289945 Spok Holdings Inc SPOK Radiotelephone Communications (4812) 161694797
Cik Name Reported Address Insider Title Director Officer Large Shareholder Other
1253133 D Vincent Kelly C/O Spok Holdings, Inc.
6850 Versar Ctr Ste 420
Springfield VA 22151
President & Ceo Yes Yes No No
Reported Non-Derivative Transactions
Sec. Name Acquisiton - Disposition Date Amount Price Remaning Holdings Equity Swap Involved Form Type Code Nature of Ownership Explanation
Common Stock Disposition 2014-12-01 5,000 $15.77 314,263 No 4 S Indirect Vincent DePaul Kelly, Trustee of the Vincent DePaul Kelly Third Amended and Restated Revocable Trust
Common Stock Disposition 2014-12-02 5,000 $16.33 309,263 No 4 S Indirect Vincent DePaul Kelly, Trustee of the Vincent DePaul Kelly Third Amended and Restated Revocable Trust
Equity Swap Involved Form Type Code Nature of Ownership Explanation
No 4 S Indirect Vincent DePaul Kelly, Trustee of the Vincent DePaul Kelly Third Amended and Restated Revocable Trust
No 4 S Indirect Vincent DePaul Kelly, Trustee of the Vincent DePaul Kelly Third Amended and Restated Revocable Trust
  1. The sale reported in this transaction was effected pursuant to a Rule 10b5-1 plan adopted by the reporting person on August 23,2013