Yum China Holdings Inc. (YUMC)

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Hedge Fund Popularity

13F filing is ongoing

Hedge Fund Holdings
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Hedge Fund Shares Value Activity % Port
1. 12,899,717 $580,745,259 +20% 7.9%
2. 2,213,760 $99,663,475 7.28%
Arrowstreet Capital

Peter Rathjens, Bruce Clarke And John Campbell

2,181,243 $98,758,415 0.08%
GLG Partners

Noam Gottesman

1,764,616 $79,443,012 +4% 0.2%
Marshall Wace LLP

Paul Marshall And Ian Wace

1,178,247 $53,044,680 +82% 0.06%
Insider Trading: Purchases See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$33.74 3,000 Director 12,088 2024-08-16 Filing
$34.67 3,700 Officer 25,023 2024-08-16 Filing
$33.98 3,800 Officer, Director 272,944 2024-08-14 Filing
$33.36 4,000 Officer 41,339 2024-08-15 Filing
$32.72 3,900 Officer 3,900 2024-08-13 Filing
Insider Trading: Sales See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$47.47 947 Officer 16,641 2024-11-25 Filing
$47.47 5,430 Officer 17,588 2024-11-25 Filing
$50.00 1,000 Officer 1,478 2024-11-08 Filing
$45.02 1,790 Officer 17,081 2023-11-24 Filing
$46.78 3,975 Officer 5,108 2023-11-21 Filing
Institutional Investors' Holdings
Filing Period:
No. Name Shares Value % Port
1. 31,408,527 $1,332,663,817 0.31%
2. 19,744,640 $837,765,076 0.02%
3. 17,867,664 $758,124,980 0.08%
4. 16,217,691 $688,116,629 0.01%
5. 12,130,223 $514,685,362 0.16%
News See All