Wex Inc. (WEX)

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Hedge Fund Popularity

13F filing is ongoing

Hedge Fund Holdings
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Hedge Fund Shares Value Activity % Port
Impactive Capital

Lauren Taylor Wolfe

2,171,265 $455,379,408 +10% 16.91%
PAR Capital Management

Paul Reeder And Edward Shapiro

1,850,000 $388,000,500 +1% 11%
Lyrical Asset Management

Andrew Wellington And Jeff Keswin

820,244 $172,029,774 -5% 2.5%
4. 382,800 $80,284,644 -2% 0.01%
5. 264,533 $55,480,506 6.82%
Insider Trading: Purchases See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$165.31 1,000 Director 4,864 2023-10-31 Filing
$187.00 1,350 Director 11,205 2023-08-17 Filing
$151.25 1,400 Director 8,465 2022-11-03 Filing
$155.40 480 Director 1,730 2022-09-02 Filing
$201.75 3,000 Director 5,503 2021-06-01 Filing
Insider Trading: Sales See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$189.44 175 Officer 7,582 2024-11-29 Filing
$200.00 508 Officer 7,120 2024-09-13 Filing
$181.67 1,651 Officer 7,757 2024-08-21 Filing
$172.73 1,182 Officer 5,584 2024-08-02 Filing
$185.04 1,564 Officer 8,461 2024-07-31 Filing
Institutional Investors' Holdings
Filing Period:
No. Name Shares Value % Port
1. 4,199,017 $816,918,757 0.01%
2. 4,090,463 $795,799,784 0.47%
3. 3,841,491 $747,362,075 0.01%
4. 3,122,500 $607,482,374 0.11%
5. 1,918,003 $373,147,759 0.03%
News See All