Vishay Intertechnology Inc (VSH)

Market is closed

Hedge Fund Popularity

13F filing is ongoing

Hedge Fund Holdings
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Hedge Fund Shares Value Activity % Port
1. 2,673,088 $50,548,099 +3% 0.02%
2. 2,522,567 $47,701,742 -3% 0.43%
Empyrean Capital PartnersNOTE 2.250% 9/1

Michael A. Price And Amos Meron

42,000,000 $38,661,000 1.63%
Millennium ManagementNOTE 2.250% 9/1

Israel Englander

40,000,000 $36,712,228 0.01%
Magnetar CapitalNOTE 2.250% 9/1 ADDED

Alec Litowitz And Ross Laser

39,930,000 $36,602,156 0.79%
Insider Trading: Purchases See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$22.60 8,929 16,438 2025-05-10 Filing
$16.03 2,000 Director 20,981 2020-03-09 Filing
$19.40 2,000 Director 11,162 2019-11-25 Filing
Insider Trading: Sales See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$18.28 8,748 Director 45,551 2024-12-05 Filing
$23.58 16,441 24,084 2024-06-12 Filing
$22.83 26,154 73,678 2024-03-04 Filing
$22.23 14,846 42,631 2024-01-16 Filing
$23.84 75,049 61,313 2023-12-18 Filing
Institutional Investors' Holdings
Filing Period:
No. Name Shares Value % Port
1. 15,737,229 $377,221,371 0%
2. 14,204,857 $340,490,422 0%
3. 10,942,130 $262,282,856 0.04%
4. 9,430,735 $226,055,750 0.06%
5. 4,545,869 $108,964,480 0%
News See All