Target Global Acquisition I Corp. (TGAA)

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Hedge Fund Popularity

13F filing is ongoing

Hedge Fund Holdings
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Hedge Fund Shares Value Activity % Port
Centiva Capital

Karim Abbadi And Edward Mcbride

202,074 $2,275,353 0.04%
Marshall Wace LLPCALL

Paul Marshall And Ian Wace

161,485 $1,818,320 -11% 0%
Angelo Gordon & CoCALLWARRANT EXP 12/08/202

John M. Angelo And Michael L. Gordon

133,333 $1,501,330 0.42%
Highbridge Capital ManagementWARRANT

Glenn Russell Dubin

785,645 $59,002 +87% 0%
Saba CapitalWARRANT EXP 12/08/202

Boaz Weinstein

466,665 $35,047 0%
Institutional Investors' Holdings
Filing Period:
No. Name Shares Value % Port
1. 737,064 $8,107,704 0.18%
2. 456,210 $5,031,996 0.36%
3. 450,000 $4,979,250 0.5%
4. 229,885 $2,537,930 0.06%
5. 225,000 $2,484,000 0.04%