Sun Country Airlines Holdings Inc. (SNCY)

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Hedge Fund Popularity

13F filing is ongoing

Hedge Fund Holdings
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Hedge Fund Shares Value Activity % Port
PAR Capital Management

Paul Reeder And Edward Shapiro

2,505,506 $28,086,722 0.79%
2. 1,498,998 $16,803,768 +9% 0%
3. 577,337 $6,471,948 +7% 0.14%
Marshall Wace LLP

Paul Marshall And Ian Wace

326,915 $3,664,717 0%
5. 201,616 $2,260,115 -61% 0%
Insider Trading: Purchases See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$14.89 6,720 Director 28,739 2023-08-29 Filing
$14.77 6,800 Director 22,019 2023-08-29 Filing
$24.00 2,250 Director 5,139 2021-03-19 Filing
$24.00 1,000 Director 1,000 2021-03-19 Filing
Insider Trading: Sales See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$14.88 1,738 Officer 30,142 2024-12-16 Filing
$15.61 40,000 Officer 12,999 2024-12-12 Filing
$14.10 4,815,000 Large Shareholder 6,346,105 2024-11-04 Filing
$15.45 1,090 Officer 12,999 2024-11-07 Filing
$15.29 37,817 Officer, Director 82,895 2024-11-06 Filing
Institutional Investors' Holdings
Filing Period:
No. Name Shares Value % Port
1. 11,392,497 $179,203,978 1.79%
2. 6,067,439 $95,440,815 0%
3. 4,601,829 $72,386,770 0%
4. 3,789,381 $59,607,000 0.06%
5. 3,280,677 $51,605,049 0.01%
News See All