Steris Plc (STE)

Market is closed

Hedge Fund Popularity

13F filing is ongoing

Hedge Fund Holdings
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Hedge Fund Shares Value Activity % Port
Generation Investment Management

David Blood And Al Gore

2,823,626 $684,842,252 -4% 3.19%
2. 1,114,584 $269,204,120 -4% 1.05%
Select Equity Group

Robert Joseph Caruso

979,934 $237,673,192 +34% 0.85%
Marshall Wace LLP

Paul Marshall And Ian Wace

518,402 $125,733,222 +4% 0.15%
Diker Management

Mark N. Diker

266,366 $64,604,412 -2% 51.56%
Insider Trading: Sales See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$217.32 1,682 11,372 2024-11-25 Filing
$247.08 427 Officer 42,930 2024-09-16 Filing
$245.79 5,985 Officer 43,357 2024-09-16 Filing
$244.55 3,485 Officer 49,342 2024-09-16 Filing
$243.53 10,316 Officer 52,827 2024-09-16 Filing
Institutional Investors' Holdings
Filing Period:
No. Name Shares Value % Port
1. 11,864,606 $2,608,433,629 0.05%
2. 10,135,257 $2,228,236,212 0.05%
3. 5,811,818 $1,277,728,187 0.41%
4. 4,850,134 $1,075,468,755 2.97%
5. 4,238,444 $931,822,638 0.04%
News See All