Sector Spdr Trust (XLB)

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Hedge Fund Popularity

13F filing is ongoing

Hedge Fund Holdings
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Hedge Fund Shares Value Activity % Port
Granger Management

Geraldine Mcmanus And Andrew Walter

190,773 $16,341,615 -26% 3.71%
Beech Hill Partners

Paul Cantor, Joseph Weiss, And Will Wurm

13,378 $3,110,653 +5% 1.16%
Beech Hill Partners

Paul Cantor, Joseph Weiss, And Will Wurm

10,563 $2,369,809 +1% 0.88%
Beech Hill Partners

Paul Cantor, Joseph Weiss, And Will Wurm

21,312 $2,063,215 -1% 0.77%
5. 12,160 $1,672,851 +19% 0.1%
Institutional Investors' Holdings
Filing Period:
No. Name Shares Value % Port
1. 41,384,351 $5,643,997,828 0.56%
2. 41,307,691 $3,463,236,829 0.34%
3. 46,464,734 $3,376,127,554 0.34%
4. 18,669,224 $3,338,244,024 0.33%
5. 65,017,245 $2,444,648,406 0.24%
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