Schwab Strategic Trust (FNDF)

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Hedge Fund Popularity

13F filing is ongoing

Hedge Fund Holdings
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Hedge Fund Shares Value Activity % Port
Jasper Ridge Partners

Mark Wolfson And Jamie Alexander

3,800,720 $203,832,614 +3% 5.8%
2. 1,331,427 $65,213,294 +30% 0.09%
3. 482,400 $40,777,272 +66% 0%
Two Sigma Advisors

John Overdeck And David Siegel

323,300 $27,328,549 0.06%
Ancora Advisors

Frederick Disanto

291,315 $19,765,711 -2% 0.45%
Institutional Investors' Holdings
Filing Period:
No. Name Shares Value % Port
1. 125,516,788 $7,774,509,871 11.16%
2. 96,674,149 $5,452,421,983 7.83%
3. 93,544,825 $5,177,706,038 7.43%
4. 135,217,585 $4,997,639,796 5.63%
5. 108,134,344 $4,859,557,406 6.98%