To the average investor, there are tons of indicators shareholders can use to analyze their holdings. Some of the best are hedge fund and insider trading interest.
Roper Industries, Inc. (NYSE:ROP) was in 19 hedge funds' portfolio at the end of the first quarter of 2013. ROP has experienced a decrease in hedge fund sentiment in recent months.
Cummins Inc. (NYSE:CMI) was in 34 hedge funds' portfolio at the end of March. CMI investors should be aware of a decrease in hedge fund sentiment lately.
Dover Corp (NYSE:DOV) was in 18 hedge funds' portfolio at the end of the fourth quarter of 2012. DOV shareholders have witnessed an increase in hedge fund interest in recent months.
In today’s marketplace, there are dozens of methods investors can use to watch Mr. Market. A pair of the most useful are hedge fund and insider trading sentiment.
Machine vision company Cognex Corporation (NASDAQ:CGNX) reported better than expected results and the market rewarded the company with an initial markup.