To the average investor, there are tons of methods shareholders can use to monitor Mr. Market. Some of the most useful are hedge fund and insider trading activity.
To the average investor, there are plenty of metrics market participants can use to track Mr. Market. Some of the most useful are hedge fund and insider trading interest.
Over the past decade, IMAX Corporation (USA) (NYSE:IMAX) has become synonymous with the premium experience of watching Hollywood blockbusters - on a screen as high as 98 feet with over 40 speakers.
The movie theater business is one that has always intrigued me. I'm not a movie buff and on average I probably go to the movies four times a year. That number seems below average from what friends...
In 2002, movie tickets sold reached a record breaking 1.58 billion tickets. Fast forward to 2011, and ticket sales are down to 1.30 billion, the worst year in recent movie history.