Chord Energy Corp (CHRD)

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Hedge Fund Popularity

13F filing is ongoing

Hedge Fund Holdings
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Hedge Fund Shares Value Activity % Port
1. 880,787 $114,704,891 +144% 0.29%
Adage Capital Management

Phill Gross And Robert Atchinson

718,630 $93,587,185 +15% 0.16%
Woodline Partners

Michael Rockefeller And Karl Kroeker

643,518 $83,805,349 -15% 0.7%
Condire Investors

Ryan Schedler And Bradley Shisler

547,721 $71,329,706 8.96%
5. 379,896 $49,473,856 -29% 0.08%
Insider Trading: Purchases See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$149.51 500 Director 14,417 2024-08-23 Filing
$123.00 1,000 Director 20,985 2022-08-05 Filing
$123.76 500 Director 19,985 2021-11-02 Filing
$118.75 625 Director 19,485 2021-10-28 Filing
$29.71 3,360 Director 3,360 2020-11-20 Filing
Insider Trading: Sales See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$116.35 1,000 Officer 19,488 2024-12-16 Filing
$121.27 1,000 Officer 20,488 2024-12-09 Filing
$143.18 2 Director 25,268 2024-09-10 Filing
$165.00 3,000 Officer 128,209 2024-02-16 Filing
$154.15 3,000 Officer 131,209 2024-02-01 Filing
Institutional Investors' Holdings
Filing Period:
No. Name Shares Value % Port
1. 5,173,187 $859,938,908 0.02%
2. 4,344,066 $722,114,091 0.01%
3. 3,288,845 $546,704,615 0.04%
4. 2,511,603 $417,503,767 0.07%
5. 1,884,845 $313,317,784 0.01%
News See All