Mgp Ingredients Inc (MGPI)

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Hedge Fund Popularity

13F filing is ongoing

Hedge Fund Holdings
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Hedge Fund Shares Value Activity % Port
Ariel Investments

John W. Rogers

509,442 $42,411,047 -2% 0.43%
Steelhead PartnersNOTE 1.875%11/1

Michael Johnston

30,000,000 $32,182,350 1.65%
Marshall Wace LLP

Paul Marshall And Ian Wace

179,158 $14,914,903 -13% 0.01%
Two Sigma Advisors

John Overdeck And David Siegel

118,000 $9,823,500 -7% 0.02%
Kingdon Capital

Mark Kingdon

99,975 $8,322,919 +16% 0.92%
Insider Trading: Purchases See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$77.86 500 Officer 550 2024-02-26 Filing
$87.28 252 Officer 34,588 2023-12-06 Filing
$87.70 1,000 Officer, Director 83,782 2023-12-06 Filing
$110.24 5,000 1,788,771 2022-08-08 Filing
$110.24 5,000 3,960,180 2022-08-08 Filing
Insider Trading: Sales See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$45.85 451 Large Shareholder, Director 119,105 2024-11-27 Filing
$46.70 6,414 Large Shareholder, Director 379,247 2024-11-25 Filing
$46.82 1,065 Large Shareholder, Director 60,457 2024-11-25 Filing
$46.75 1,065 Large Shareholder, Director 53,477 2024-11-25 Filing
$44.08 15,413 Large Shareholder, Director 119,556 2024-11-26 Filing
Institutional Investors' Holdings
Filing Period:
No. Name Shares Value % Port
1. 2,677,599 $263,797,029 0%
2. 1,126,323 $110,965,343 0%
3. 1,090,231 $107,409,558 0.63%
4. 888,850 $87,569,502 1.28%
5. 698,346 $68,803,846 0.02%
News See All