At the moment, there are tons of methods investors can use to track Mr. Market. A pair of the most innovative are hedge fund and insider trading activity.
At the moment, there are tons of gauges investors can use to monitor the equity markets. Two of the most underrated are hedge fund and insider trading movement.
Mercer International Inc. (NASDAQ:MERC) was in 11 hedge funds' portfolio at the end of the first quarter of 2013. MERC investors should pay attention to a decrease in hedge fund interest of late.
Mercer International Inc. (NASDAQ:MERC) was in 12 hedge funds' portfolio at the end of the fourth quarter of 2012. MERC has seen a decrease in hedge fund sentiment recently.
In today’s marketplace, there are dozens of methods shareholders can use to track their holdings. A pair of the best are hedge fund and insider trading activity.