Ix Acquisition Corp. (IXAQ)

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Hedge Fund Popularity

13F filing is ongoing

Hedge Fund Holdings
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Hedge Fund Shares Value Activity % Port
Marshall Wace LLPCALL

Paul Marshall And Ian Wace

550,542 $6,380,781 0%
Meteora Capital

Vikas Mittal

311,266 $3,607,573 -16% 1%
LMR Partners

Ben Levine, Andrew Manuel And Stefan Renold

100,000 $1,159,000 0%
LMR PartnersCALLWARRANT EXP 07/31/202

Ben Levine, Andrew Manuel And Stefan Renold

990,000 $77,121 0%
CaaS CapitalWARRANT EXP 07/31/202

Frank Fu

790,194 $61,556 0%
Institutional Investors' Holdings
Filing Period:
No. Name Shares Value % Port
1. 380,208 $4,201,298 0.32%
2. 375,000 $4,143,750 0.19%
3. 300,000 $3,315,000 0.05%
4. 256,481 $2,834,115 0.02%
5. 244,146 $2,697,813 0.19%