Alpha Modus Holdings Inc. (AMOD)

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Hedge Fund Popularity

13F filing is ongoing

Hedge Fund Holdings
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Hedge Fund Shares Value Activity % Port
Angelo Gordon & CoCALLWARRANT EXP 08/26/202

John M. Angelo And Michael L. Gordon

587,999 $6,662,029 1.88%
Marshall Wace LLPCALL

Paul Marshall And Ian Wace

180,000 $2,039,401 0%
Meteora Capital

Vikas Mittal

19,462 $220,504 -63% 0.06%
LMR PartnersCALLWARRANT EXP 08/26/202

Ben Levine, Andrew Manuel And Stefan Renold

1,188,000 $60,707 0%
PEAK6 Capital ManagementWARRANT EXP 08/26/202

Matthew Hulsizer

1,187,850 $42,050 0%
Institutional Investors' Holdings
Filing Period:
No. Name Shares Value % Port
1. 333,340 $3,596,739 0.73%
2. 103,959 $1,121,718 0%
3. 60,950 $657,651 0.02%
4. 59,400 $640,926 0%
5. 1,187,999 $47,520 0.06%