Galiano Gold Inc. (GAU)

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Hedge Fund Popularity

13F filing is ongoing

Hedge Fund Holdings
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Hedge Fund Shares Value Activity % Port
1. 2,741,253 $3,371,741 +1% 0%
Marshall Wace LLP

Paul Marshall And Ian Wace

1,815,814 $2,233,450 +21% 0%
3. 250,655 $308,306 +18% 0%
Two Sigma Advisors

John Overdeck And David Siegel

155,800 $191,634 +12% 0%
5. 31,662 $38,944 0%
Institutional Investors' Holdings
Filing Period:
No. Name Shares Value % Port
1. 32,782,506 $40,795,459 27.75%
2. 25,708,407 $31,621,341 0.75%
3. 18,438,262 $22,960,012 0.82%
4. 10,952,300 $13,471,329 0%
5. 7,822,262 $9,728,222 0%
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