Aptargroup Inc. (ATR)

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Hedge Fund Popularity

13F filing is ongoing

Hedge Fund Holdings
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Hedge Fund Shares Value Activity % Port
Rivulet Capital

Barry Lebovits And Joshua Kuntz

620,903 $99,462,452 -35% 7.34%
Millennium Management

Israel Englander

367,037 $58,795,657 -30% 0.02%
3. 200,001 $31,930,094 +33% 0.04%
Polar Capital

Brian Ashford-Russell And Tim Woolley

137,207 $21,979,189 +19% 0.1%
5. 95,100 $15,234,069 -33% 0.02%
Insider Trading: Purchases See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$94.48 3,170 Director 4,378 2022-11-03 Filing
$82.00 1,720 Director 7,116 2017-05-05 Filing
$75.21 2,000 Officer, Director 2,000 2017-03-01 Filing
$48.67 3,100 Director 3,100 2012-11-08 Filing
$48.10 2,000 Director 3,350 2011-11-15 Filing
Insider Trading: Sales See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$171.64 1,257 Director 7,582 2024-11-22 Filing
$168.83 964 Officer 7,848 2024-11-15 Filing
$175.79 852 Officer 13,764 2024-11-12 Filing
$168.28 4,000 Officer 12,616 2024-10-29 Filing
$170.91 818 Officer, Director 174,118 2024-10-28 Filing
Institutional Investors' Holdings
Filing Period:
No. Name Shares Value % Port
1. 7,155,036 $884,505,550 0.01%
2. 6,072,686 $750,705,479 0.01%
3. 4,920,470 $608,268,868 0.05%
4. 4,744,564 $586,523,002 0.56%
5. 3,054,899 $377,646,614 0.01%
News See All