Ambev S.a. (ABEV)

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Hedge Fund Popularity

13F filing is ongoing

Hedge Fund Holdings
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Hedge Fund Shares Value Activity % Port
1. 339,524,587 $628,120,485 -1% 1.4%
GQG Partners

Rajiv Jain

196,676,003 $363,850,606 +52% 0.54%
3. 33,198,300 $61,416,855 -4% 0.09%
Arrowstreet Capital

Peter Rathjens, Bruce Clarke And John Campbell

19,001,985 $35,153,672 +1642% 0.02%
Two Sigma Advisors

John Overdeck And David Siegel

16,354,000 $30,254,900 +330% 0.07%
Institutional Investors' Holdings
Filing Period:
No. Name Shares Value % Port
1. 87,819,164 $162,465,454 1.09%
2. 41,678,006 $77,104,311 0.02%
3. 35,560,304 $65,786,565 0%
4. 30,069,000 $55,627,650 21.15%
5. 26,087,675 $48,262,198 0%
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