Hedge Fund - Thrax Management

Facebook Inc (FB) 

Holding History Records
No. Filing Period Value % of Portfolio Number of Shares Avg. Quarterly Share Price
1 2016 - Q4 (2016-12-31) $22,228,000 4.06% 193,206 $122.81
2 2016 - Q3 (2016-09-30) $21,527,000 7.68% 167,823 $124.14
3 2016 - Q2 (2016-06-30) $26,115,000 4.07% 228,521 $115.23
4 2016 - Q1 (2016-03-31) $38,228,000 5.95% 335,042 $105.51
5 2015 - Q4 (2015-12-31) $21,541,000 4.44% 205,818 $102.73

The displayed share prices are average quarterly stock market prices.