Hedge Fund - SQ Advisors

Sensata Technologies Holding Plc (ST) 

Holding History Records
No. Filing Period Value % of Portfolio Number of Shares Avg. Quarterly Share Price
1 2019 - Q2 (2019-06-30) $0 0% 0 $47.60
2 2019 - Q1 (2019-03-31) $74,792,000 5.67% 1,661,297 $47.44
3 2018 - Q4 (2018-12-31) $241,181,000 9.2% 5,378,699 $45.26
4 2018 - Q3 (2018-09-30) $213,717,000 6.59% 4,313,164 $52.36
5 2018 - Q2 (2018-06-30) $198,863,000 6.73% 4,179,554 $52.08
6 2018 - Q1 (2018-03-31) $201,002,000 6.85% 3,879,808 $53.31

The displayed share prices are average quarterly stock market prices.