Hedge Fund - Sora Investors

Karl Richter Bio, Returns, AUM, Net Worth

Sora Investors LLC, founded in September 2021, is an investment manager specializing in global technology markets. The firm's investment process is driven by fundamental research, and it emphasizes building constructive, long-term relationships with companies in its portfolio. Sora Investors is owned by a partnership of its senior investment team.

Karl Richter, a seasoned investor with over 20 years of experience in the technology sector, leads Sora Investors. Before founding Sora, Richter was a portfolio manager and analyst for Citadel Global Equities in Chicago and San Francisco. He also held positions as a portfolio manager and analyst at Susquehanna International Group, SAC Capital Advisors, and various startup funds. Richter began his investment career in equity research at Lehman Brothers and Robertson Stephens.

As of March 2024, Sora Investors manages $673.1 million in discretionary assets across two clients. Their Q1 2024 13F filing reported $608 million in managed 13F securities, with a top 10 holdings concentration of 41.34%. The firm's largest holding is Western Digital Corp, with 500,000 shares.

Karl Richter
Fund Profile
Filing Period:
Fund Name: Sora Investors
Manager Karl Richter
Portfolio Value $572,986,226
Change This QTR +1.06%
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Security Ticker Shares Value Activity % Port History
1. WDC 400,000 $27,316,000 -20% 4.76%
2. CMCSA 622,419 $25,998,442 NEW 4.53%
3. MSFT 60,000 $25,818,000 +50% 4.5%
4. TRMB 365,000 $22,662,850 NEW 3.95%
5. V 80,000 $21,996,000 -12% 3.83%