Hedge Fund - Running Oak Capital

Seth L. Cogswell Bio, Returns, AUM, Net Worth

Running Oak Capital is a boutique investment manager committed to enhancing clients' lives. The firm aims to provide improved financial well-being through higher cumulative returns and greater peace of mind with smaller drawdowns. Prioritizing less stress, full transparency, and reliability, Running Oak's mission is to make clients' lives better.

Seth L. Cogswell, the Founding Partner and Portfolio Manager of Running Oak Capital, has over 16 years of industry experience. As Managing Partner and Co-Portfolio Manager of Efficient Growth, Seth previously served as a trader and portfolio manager for the Trillium Multi Horizon Fund, a multi-strategy long/short hedge fund. He earned his MBA from The Wharton School, where he received the Goldman Sachs H.R. Young Scholarship, and holds an undergraduate degree in Decision Making Sciences/Operations Research from the University of North Carolina.

Running Oak Capital is a hedge fund managing discretionary assets of $522,501,128 for 853 clients, as per their Form ADV dated February 2024. Their Q1 2024 13F filing reported $623,568,199 in managed 13F securities, with a top 10 holdings concentration of 20.94%. Their largest holding is EMCOR Group, Inc., with 46,529 shares.

Seth L. Cogswell
Fund Profile
Filing Period:
Fund Name: Running Oak Capital
Manager Seth L. Cogswell
Portfolio Value $766,062,242
Change This QTR +1.04%
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Security Ticker Shares Value Activity % Port History
1. DECK 85,430 $17,349,979 -2% 2.26%
2. FI 78,398 $16,104,518 +1% 2.1%
3. GOOGL 83,414 $15,885,365 +4% 2.07%
4. EME 34,286 $15,562,415 -4% 2.03%
5. DRI 83,201 $15,532,814 +8% 2.02%