Hedge Fund - Riverside Advisors

Geoffrey S. Mccuskey Bio, Returns, AUM, Net Worth

Geoffrey S. McCuskey's Riverside Advisors was founded in 1998 and according to the firm itself, it "manages global long/short equity hedge funds, with an emphasis on inefficient emerging and frontier market opportunities." Riverside Advisors exists within the Riverside Capital Holdings umbrella, which also includes the natural resource and real estate-focused Lone Peak Resource Advisors, and Lone Peak Investment Services.

Geoffrey S. Mccuskey
Fund Profile
Filing Period:
Fund Name: Riverside Advisors
Manager Geoffrey S. Mccuskey
Portfolio Value $0
Change This QTR 0.00%
Filing Period:
No. Security Ticker Shares Value Activity % Port History
1. BLX 0 $0 0%
2. BAP 0 $0 0%
3. WAG 0 $0 0%
4. UNM 0 $0 0%
5. TWX 0 $0 0%