Hedge Fund - Platinum Management

Mark A. Nordlicht Bio, Returns, AUM, Net Worth

Mark A. Nordlicht's Platinum Management was founded in 2003, and according to the firm itself, it is a "multi-strategy hedge fund seeking to deliver superior risk adjusted returns uncorrelated to any broader market activity." Platinum Management is headquartered in New York, and before starting the firm, Mark Nordlicht worked at the New York Cotton Exchange, and founded Northern Lights Trading and West End Capital.

Mark A. Nordlicht
Fund Profile
Filing Period:
Fund Name: Platinum Management
Manager Mark A. Nordlicht
Portfolio Value $16,435,000
Change This QTR +2.43%
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Security Ticker Shares Value Activity % Port History
1. NAVB 778,797.3 $14,711,000 +352% 89.51%
2. ECTE 829,183 $1,086,000 6.6%
3. PED 3,409.445 $631,000 +1% 3.83%
4. YOD 24.12 $6,000 0.03%
5. NSPR 0.0,037,257,142,857,143 $1,000 0%
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