Hedge Fund - Force Capital

Robert Jaffe Bio, Returns, AUM, Net Worth

Robert S. Jaffe is the founder and owner of Force Capital Management, LLC. He founded the company in 2002 as a private investment management firm and began operations in January 2003. Force is a US long-short equity firm that specializes in deep fundamental research in middle-market companies in financial, consumer and industrial sectors.

Robert S. Jaffe is the founder and owner of Force Capital Management, LLC. He founded the company in 2002 as a private investment management firm and began operations in January 2003. Force is a US long-short equity firm that specializes in deep fundamental research in middle-market companies in financial, consumer and industrial sectors.

Prior to founding Force, Mr. Jaffe was a Founding Partner of CJS Capital Management. Mr. Jaffe’s previous professional experience includes: Director of Research and Portfolio Manager at SAC Capital Management, a Founding Partner of JL Advisors, and Associate with Steinhardt Partners. Mr. Jaffe holds a B.S. degree from Cornell University and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.

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Robert Jaffe
Fund Profile
Filing Period:
Fund Name: Force Capital
Manager Robert Jaffe
Portfolio Value $11,414,000
Change This QTR +0.34%
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Security Ticker Shares Value Activity % Port History
1. SPY 28,400 $8,428,000 -39% 73.83%
Vanguard Index Fds - S&P 500 ETF SHS
4,600 $1,254,000 10.98%
3. IEF 5,864 $887,000 -42% 7.77%
4. COUP 2,500 $324,000 +34% 2.83%
5. AAPL 5,500 $308,000 -86% 2.69%
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