Hedge Fund - Conatus Capital Management

David Stemerman Bio, Returns, AUM, Net Worth

There are Tiger Cubs, and then there are Tiger Cub Cubs. David Stemerman, who founded Conatus Capital Management in 2008, is one of the latter: he previously worked at billionaire (and Tiger Cub) Stephen Mandel’s Lone Pine Capital. He also has degrees from both Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School. Conatus, despite being a relatively new fund, already has about $2 billion in total assets under management.

David Stemerman
Fund Profile
Filing Period:
Fund Name: Conatus Capital Management
Manager David Stemerman
Portfolio Value $3,188,630,000
Change This QTR 0.00%
Top 13F Holdings
Filing Period:
No. Security Ticker Shares Value Activity % Port History
1. AAPL 15,755,712 $196,107,000 -9% 6.15%
2. SLB 1,445,832 $134,838,000 -10% 4.22%
3. MS 4,898,904 $133,838,000 NEW 4.19%
4. BID 2,257,962 $118,769,000 3.72%
5. ESRX 2,058,635 $114,481,000 -4% 3.59%
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