Cognios Capital is a quantitative investment management firm based in Kansas City area. The firm was founded by John Brandmeyer and Jonathan C. Angrist in 2008. The firm offers mutual funds as well as market neutral and value strategies for more sophisticated investors. We are mostly interested in Cognios Capital's market neutral large cap strategy which returned 3% annually after fees. This strategy returned 5.6% in 2015, -0.8% in 2016, 5% in 2017, 3.9% in 2018, -0.6% in 2019, and -2.1% during the first quarter of 2020.
The Cognios Market Neutral Large Cap Fund takes positions in undervalued U.S. stocks and balance this long exposure by shorting overvalued U.S. stocks across different industries. Cognios Capital isn't as greedy as other hedge funds and this market neutral strategy only charges 1.5% annually (no incentive fees).