Hedge Fund - Caxton Associates LP

Tesla Inc. (TSLA) PUT

Holding History Records
No. Filing Period Value % of Portfolio Number of Shares Avg. Quarterly Share Price
1 2024 - Q1 (2024-03-31) $304,116,700 17.04% 1,730,000 $195.37
2 2022 - Q2 (2022-06-30) $0 0% 0 $272.96
3 2022 - Q1 (2022-03-31) $323,000 0.02% 900 $311.47
4 2021 - Q1 (2021-03-31) $0 0% 0 $251.06
5 2020 - Q4 (2020-12-31) $2,823,000 0.19% 12,000 $170.65
6 2018 - Q4 (2018-12-31) $0 0% 0 $21.51
7 2018 - Q3 (2018-09-30) $1,721,000 0.11% 97,500 $20.83

The displayed share prices are average quarterly stock market prices.

The share numbers are adjusted according to following stock splits:

  1. 3.0000:1.0000 on 2022-08-25

  2. 5.0000:1.0000 on 2020-08-31