Hedge Fund - Brigade Capital

Don Morgan Bio, Returns, AUM, Net Worth

Brigade Capital is a long/short credit, distressed debt, and traditional high yield hedge fund. Don Morgan founded Brigade Capital in 2006 after leaving MacKay Shields. Don Morgan is still in the leadership of the hedge fund due to his extensive expertise in the financial sector. The hedge fund's investing strategy focuses on companies with impaired balance sheets or considerable debt. Brigade Capital has offices in Tokyo, London, and Colorado.

Don Morgan
Fund Profile
Filing Period:
Fund Name: Brigade Capital
Manager Don Morgan
Portfolio Value $330,933,584
Change This QTR +0.72%
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Security Ticker Shares Value Activity % Port History
1. IEF 1,500,000 $160,260,000 NEW 48.42%
2. IEF 750,000 $65,497,500 NEW 19.79%
3. GLD 220,000 $53,268,600 NEW 16.09%
4. FWONK 79,114,000 $22,547,490 -13% 6.81%
5. EXE 78,386 $7,803,326 +2% 2.35%
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