Hedge Fund - Bourgeon Capital

John Zaro Bio, Returns, AUM, Net Worth

Bourgeon Capital Management LLC is a Darien, Connecticut-based boutique investment counseling firm founded in 1999 by industry veteran John Aniblo Zaro. The firm mainly focuses on actively managed, separate accounts, with investment portfolios comprised of stocks and bonds.

John Zaro is the managing partner and founder of Bourgeon Capital. Prior to founding his own investment firm, John Zaro was a Chief investment officer and a managing director of Warburg Pincus Asset Management, Inc., from 1997 to 1999. He did a stint as a portfolio manager and vice president at J.P. Morgan Investment Management from 1991 to 1997 and was a vice president  at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC from 1984 to 1991. Michael Keohane joined the fund in 2002 from SAC Capital to co-manage Bourgeon's long/short hedge fund.

Bourgeon Capital follows an investment policy focused on seeking lower volatility, fewer extreme outcomes, and competitive returns over the long-term. John Zaro primarily focused on investing the excess cash in the bond market to capture higher interest rates.

John Zaro
Fund Profile
Filing Period:
Fund Name: Bourgeon Capital
Manager John Zaro
Portfolio Value $535,548,223
Change This QTR +1.03%
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Security Ticker Shares Value Activity % Port History
1. JPM 125,520 $30,088,445 -2% 5.61%
2. MSFT 54,848 $23,118,258 +4% 4.31%
3. GOOGL 112,393 $21,275,903 +1% 3.97%
4. - 76,849 $17,359,421 -2% 3.24%
5. AMZN 68,717 $15,075,823 -1% 2.81%
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