Hedge Fund - Blue Harbour Group

Clifton S. Robbins Bio, Returns, AUM, Net Worth

Blue Harbour has primarily invested in activist situations since its founding in 2004, and recently launched a long-only fund in order to expand its investor base in that strategy. Its flagship fund- which often takes short positions, running afoul of some institutional investors’ requirements- has over $1.7 billion under management (end of 2013) and outperformed the S&P 500 in 2012. Blue Harbour Strategic Value Partners returned 19.8% in 2013. The fund was founded by a former partner at private equity giant KKR, Clifton Robbins. Clifton Robbins doesn't invest in a company unless its management is receptive to his ideas.

Clifton S. Robbins
Fund Profile
Filing Period:
Fund Name: Blue Harbour Group
Manager Clifton S. Robbins
Portfolio Value $0
Change This QTR 0.00%
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Security Ticker Shares Value Activity % Port History
1. OTEX 0 $0 0%
2. MGM 0 $0 0%
3. MGP 0 $0 0%
4. MSGS 0 $0 0%
5. LAZ 0 $0 0%
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