Billionaire Asness' Secret Formula Points To Apple, Microsoft, and Pfizer
AQR Capital Management is predominantly a quantitative equity hedge fund firm, co-founded by former Goldman Sachs portfolio manager Clifford S. Asness in 1997.
June 21st, 2015 - Hedge Funds News
May 31st, 2015 - Hedge Funds News
August 18th, 2014 - Hedge Funds News
June 30th, 2014 - Hedge Funds
June 24th, 2014 - Hedge Funds
June 10th, 2014 - Hedge Funds
March 24th, 2014 - Hedge Funds News
February 13th, 2014 - Hedge Funds Market Movers News
January 13th, 2014 - Hedge Funds
January 10th, 2014 - Hedge Funds
Returns since its inception in May 2014 (through February 19th, 2025)