Hedge Fund - 1623 Capital

The Motley Fool Bio, Returns, AUM, Net Worth

An indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of The Motley Fool, 1623 Capital was established in 2018 by Jeff Fischer and Brian Richards, the chief investment officer and chief operating officer of the hedge fund. The Virginia-based hedge fund makes use of the Innovation Long/Short Strategy, whereby which the fund seeks to identify and own the equity securities of companies that are, high-quality growth businesses, while selling short the equity securities of companies whose revenues, margins, cash flows and market positions are being disrupted by 'innovation and change'.

The Motley Fool
Fund Profile
Filing Period:
Fund Name: 1623 Capital
Manager The Motley Fool
Portfolio Value $0
Change This QTR +99.00%
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Security Ticker Shares Value Activity % Port History
No Remaining Holdings
0 $0 NEW 0%
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