Qualcomm Inc (QCOM)

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Hedge Fund Popularity

13F filing is ongoing

Hedge Fund Holdings
Filing Period:
Last update:
No. Hedge Fund Shares Value Activity % Port
1. 4,077,100 $693,310,855 -17% 0.13%
2. 2,877,000 $489,233,850 -27% 0.09%
Two Sigma Advisors

John Overdeck And David Siegel

2,061,900 $350,626,095 +203% 0.82%
Tiger Global Management LLC

Chase Coleman And Feroz Dewan

1,857,700 $315,901,885 1.34%
5. 1,691,657 $287,666,395 +1% 0.11%
Insider Trading: Purchases See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$84.60 500 Director 500 2019-12-10 Filing
$73.84 2,705 Director 14,229 2019-08-28 Filing
$54.59 9,000 Director 12,077 2017-05-11 Filing
$53.13 18,815 Officer 22,039 2017-02-03 Filing
$53.99 1,000 Director 2,000 2017-01-30 Filing
Insider Trading: Sales See All
Insider Price Amount Relationship Remaining Holdings Date Form 4
$158.12 2,587 Officer 19,739 2024-12-16 Filing
$160.99 4,663 Officer 17,153 2024-12-10 Filing
$159.98 3,054 Officer 21,816 2024-12-10 Filing
$160.97 6,440 Officer 33,383 2024-12-10 Filing
$159.96 3,933 Officer 39,823 2024-12-10 Filing
Institutional Investors' Holdings
Filing Period:
No. Name Shares Value % Port
1. 110,977,846 $16,050,725,866 0.35%
2. 92,566,332 $13,387,868,722 0.34%
3. 48,247,134 $6,977,982,990 0.33%
4. 22,690,109 $3,273,611,646 0.34%
5. 21,232,401 $3,070,842,588 0.27%
News See All