Zedge, Inc. (AMEX:ZDGE) Q3 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

As mentioned earlier, we’ve invested in our subscription offering. And in May we rolled out a subscription offering that has chock full of value ads in it aside from just what had been our ad free offering. And one of those is offering pAInt so that users can paint with large volumes without having to clip the ticket every time they created image.

Allen Klee: Interesting. So following up on that, on subscriptions, you commented, so it was down year-over-year but you had very positive comments on what you just said the May offering of a new offering for Android, and you’re also rolling it out for iOS. Does — how — maybe if you could just remind us what is being added. You just [commented on] [(ph) pAInt. Anything else that or what you believe is added that you think is causing this to improve, or whatever is causing it to improve?

Jonathan Reich: Sure. So the core offering is an ad free experience coupled with the ability for users to paint and large volumes of opportunities for them to paint without having to pay for each individual image, as well as Zedge Tokens that can be used in order to purchase premium content. And that is striking a chord with users when taking a look at the value proposition that brings to the table. And on iOS, similar mentality. IOS has proven to be — or is proving to be a very attractive as well in terms of bringing subscribers in and that is a new line of revenue for us. We’ve never offered a subscription offering on iOS. I think I mentioned that what we’ve seen is an uptick of 50% of trial subscriptions on Android and some very, very solid revenue being produced from the iOS offering, which we have rolled out for the first time.

Allen Klee: That’s great. Last — on last quarter’s earnings call you mentioned, you were doing — you were implementing a $2.5 million to $3 million cost cutting initiative. Was — has that — has all the [indiscernible] whatever that is already been done, or and how much of that was the impact of that reflected in the April results?

Jonathan Reich: Sure. So the annual goal is to get to that $2.5 million to $3 million bracket. And we have taken steps forward in order to achieve that. And we’re on track, I would say to meet that goal. And it really addresses — or the way in which we are achieving this is really taking a look at all areas of the company where we are able to either renegotiate rates, where we’re able to measure ROI and say, hey, we’re not getting the ROI that we needed from this, let’s pull back on it, and so on and so forth. And there may be some additional pieces that will not kick in until contract expire. But nonetheless we are generally tracking to meet those numbers accordingly.

Allen Klee: Okay. So, if I take everything I heard today, from what you know today, would this suggests that may be the bottom, the business has stabilized at a certain level with some potential of improving, it’s something still right.