Yalla Group Limited (NYSE:YALA) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Thomas Shen: Hi, good morning. And thank you management for taking my question. I have one question. Can management provide an update on our top line growth targets for the year 2023? Thank you.

Karen Hu: Hi, Thomas. I will take this question. Thank you very much for your attention. Entering 2023, we have seen the macro situation improve, especially since the MENA market has gained a lot of interest from around the world. In face of the challenges and opportunities, we are confident that for 2023 revenue will maintain the same revenue level as 2022, based on our current market condition, while we will continue to explore new growth opportunities and grow our business. So, on the one hand, this year, we will continue to upgrade our flagship products while continuing to expand our product portfolio to better grow our revenues. On the other hand, as we mentioned, there are many opportunities related to MENA’s digital transformation.

We will keep monitoring the trend and see if there are good opportunities for acquisitions. This will also a very important strategy for our group. So, with the buy-and-build strategy, we expect to deliver a better performance in 2023. Thank you.

Operator: Your next question comes from Edward Wang from Credit Suisse.

Edward Wang: Hi, management. Thanks for the presentation. And I have two questions about the all of this year. So what is the guidance for the paying user number and ARPU in 2023? And what are the main strategies for the firm to achieve these targets? Also, can you share with us about the company OpEx guidance for this year? And which areas does the firm want to invest more? Thank you.

Saifi Ismail: Hi, Edward. This, Saifi. I’ll be taking your first question. Regarding the number of paying users and ARPUs, these two factors relate to each other. Actually, in practice, the number of paying users can be largely affected by the format of the operating events. It’s hard to give specific guidance at the beginning of the year. For example, if I were asked the same question this time last year, it would have been difficult to predict that our paying users would have increased by more than 45% during the year. We don’t have specific guidance for our paying users, but all of our operating events aim to improve user engagement on our platform and grow revenue. Revenue is the ultimate KPI that we care about the most.

And in order to achieve that, there is much we can do. For example, we could continue to upgrade the product, add new game modes, launch more fun operating events, and conduct rounds of user surveys to better know our users. There is a lot we can do to improve our operational refinement.

Karen Hu: Hi, Edward. Thank you for your second question about the OpEx guidance. Regarding our plans for expenses and investment for the year 2023, firstly, as we mentioned earlier, our operating efficiency will be maintained at a similar level as last year. The key areas of the company will spend on will remain user acquisition and R&D. And at the same time, if we identify promising opportunities to pursue, whether internal or external, we can invest or spend more to seize those opportunities. So, I believe this will benefit the company in the long run, and we will keep you posted if this occurs. Thank you.

Operator: Your next question comes from Zemin Chen from Huafu Securities.

Zemin Chen: Management, thank you for taking my question. I have a one question. Iran and Saudi Arabia resumed ties in talks brokered by China, will this impact or promote Yalla’s business? Thank you.

Saifi Ismail: Hi, Zemin. Thanks for your question. Basically, this is a macro-level topic. And we observe positive voices in the market and regard this progress as actively promoting peace in the region. In the short term, we will still develop our business based on our current business framework, and we expect no direct promotion or hindrance from this event. Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. As there are no further questions now, I would now like to turn the call back over to the management team for closing remarks.

Kerry Gao: Thank you once again for joining us today. We look forward to speaking with you in the next quarter. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact Yalla investor relations through the contact information provided on our website or The Piacente Group Investor Relations.

Operator: This does conclude our conference for today. Thank you for participating You may now disconnect. Thank you.

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