In the case of Workday Inc (NYSE:WDAY), it still reported negative FCF of $4 million in Q4. If the company can’t even report positive FCF, investors should question the $11 billion market cap. Even non-GAAP numbers had the company losing $25 million compared to $22 million last year. For the fiscal year, the company had an operating loss of $118 million, an incredible amount for such a speculative stock.
Total unearned revenue and subscription backlog was nearly $700 million at the end of the quarter suggesting the company trades at 15 times the subscription backlog in support of the high valuation. Even with $790 million in cash and cash equivalents, the company would only have a market value of around $1.2 billion if the company shut down and the backlog was converted to cash.
The fallacy of the subscription revenue models is that the market places huge multiples on contracts that might not even be profitable. In the case of Workday, the company might have a substantial contract base averaging three years, but for now it isn’t able to even generate positive FCF.
IPO unlock
As highlighted in the previous article, the other hot IPOs of 2012 have struggled to produce gains for investors. Workday remains by far the most expensive stock in that group. A stock such as Millennial Media, Inc. (NYSE:MM) forecast similar growth yet trades at a substantial discount to where Workday Inc (NYSE:WDAY) trades now. The largest independent mobile advertising exchange expects revenue growth to exceed 50% this year while only trading for less than 2 times that revenue. Surprisingly the market expects the company to be profitable as well, yet it hasn’t helped the valuation.
Speaking of the IPO, Workday Inc (NYSE:WDAY) has an IPO unlock coming up in April that will flood the market with 63 million shares and exercisable options. The company only has 162 million shares outstanding and this unlock will add 14 million exercisable stock options not included in that share count.
Comparative performance
The below table highlights the comparative revenue multiples of Workday with, inc. (NYSE:CRM) and ServiceNow Inc (NYSE:NOW):

Most investors consider the other two companies extremely expensive, yet Workday is off the chart with multiples double the others.
Investors need to be warned again that these high profile IPOs provide limited upside in the after market. The drop by Millennial Media after a successful IPO highlights the risks of a high priced stock.
Workday Inc (NYSE:WDAY) has the most expensive multiple of those high flier IPOs and the comparable business software stocks. When an investor buys this stock, do they really expect it to rise to 30 times revenue multiples? The stock provides limited upside and in fact investors might consider shorting it if the market peaks out.
The article Workday Is Worth How Much? originally appeared on and is written by Mark Holder.
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