Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC), manufacturer of microprocessors and chips, launched another groundbreaking microprocessor Clover Trail + platform in the integrated digital technology space. This new chip innovation is another addition to Intel’s long list of microprocessors. It is yet to be seen, however, whether this platform will have the same success as other Intel processors have had in the past.
The new line of Clover Trail + chips is expected to give a better performance with low-power consumption and longer battery life than any Ivy Bridge processors. Since the new Z2580, Z2560 and Z2520 microprocessors are equally compatible with smartphones and Android tablets and work best with Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC) mobile platforms, there is very little doubt that these latest developments by Intel will pose a threat not just to semiconductor and processor manufacturers, but to smartphone and tablet manufacturers as well.
Since these new microprocessors work best in Intel mobile and tablet platforms, it is most likely that there would be huge demand not only for Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC) microprocessors but also for Intel tablets and mobile devices. The enticement to get developers to use Intel chips in the name of compatibility and improved performance has pushed the chip-maker even further up and led it toward financial well-being.
The microprocessor giant will be eagerly waiting to see how the introduction of Clover Trail + chips fares in the mobile space. On the financial front, considering its current total cash flow of $18 billion, revenues of $53 billion and net income at $11 billion, it is pretty obvious that the company is in a very strong position to continue capitalizing on its brand in the future.
Intel chips will also boost the performance of Dell Inc. (NASDAQ:DELL) and Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE:HPQ). Samsung (NASDAQOTH:SSNLF) tablets will also likely benefit in terms of performance twofold, which will strengthen its position further in the tablet and smartphone space. The fourth-generation Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC) core processor adopts the same 2nm process and 3D tri-gate technology as the Ivy Bridge designs, but distinct in terms of 3D and media performance, and this is, apparently, where its closest competitor in the microprocessor space lags behind.