Today, a post appeared on Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR)’s blog declaring its support for net neutrality, demanding strict rules from the Federal Communications Commission for internet providers. Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) has expressed its support for net neutrality principles previously as well, and today discussed in its blog post why it does so.
“Empowering “lesser” or historically less powerful voices to express themselves and be heard globally is at the core of Twitter’s DNA”, Twitter states in the post, which was penned by Will Carly.
Today, the internet is the most-used medium for the transportation and dissemination of information. According to Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR), providing a platform and being a bridge of communication among people, is enabling them to send their opinions to the entire world. Supporting net neutrality, Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) demanded clear, enforceable, legally sustainable rules to make sure that without any barriers, the internet should remain open and it should continue to give everyone the power to develop and share ideas and information instantly.
“Without such net neutrality principles in place, some of today’s most successful and widely-known Internet companies might never have come into existence,” Twitter states in the post.
Giving credit to net neutrality principles, according to Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR), the most famous and successful internet companies at present might have never made it to the top if such principles would have not existed. Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) has joined other leading internet companies to urge the Federal Communications Commission to make the net neutrality rules widely known to the world.
“We strongly support ensuring that such rules include prohibitions against blocking or throttling of sites and services, as well as the paid prioritization of some traffic over others,” Twitter states in the post.
Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) demanded that the traffic of certain parties should not be prioritized over others in return for any payment, including blocking or speeding up specific websites and services. There should not be any fast lane for a certain group or parties and everyone should be treated equally in this regard. According to Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR), it is very important for this successful internet policy approach to continue, because millions of people are counting on net neutrality rules for their benefits to the internet ecosystem, economy and to freedom of expression, and so for all these reasons, Twitter Inc (NYSE:TWTR) strongly supports the Federal Communications Commission to take action.
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