Why These 10 Stocks Were Skyrocketing on Friday

7. Nuscale Power Corp. (NYSE: SMR)

Shares of Nuscale Power Corp. (SMR) grew by 8.23 percent on Friday amid a wider market optimism, further boosted by a report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) that the future looks bright for nuclear power.

In a recent report, the IEA posted a bullish outlook for the nuclear power sector at large, specifically small modular reactors (SMR), which Nuscale Power Corp. (SMR) is betting on, as being particularly promising.

According to IEA, Nuscale Power’s SMRs in particular offer exciting growth potential.

The IEA also expects an all-time high production of nuclear power this year, saying that the energy source is making a strong comeback.

According to the organization, over 70 gigawatts of nuclear power is now being built worldwide.

In a statement that’s quite pertinent for NuScale Power (SMR), the organization believes that small module reactors “in particular offer exciting growth potential.” Additionally, IEA wrote that the increasing demand for electricity and greater interest in nuclear power can “start a new era for the secure and clean power source.”