The Net Neutrality debate refuses to dry away with all eyes now directed to the FCC, on the next course of action that will solve the standoff once and for all. Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX) and other small video streaming companies are spearheading campaigns to force internet service providers into agreeing to the principles of Net Neutrality.
During an interview on Bloomberg The internet Association President & CEO, Michael Beckerman reiterated that strong Net Neutrality rules are needed to prevent ISP’s from blocking or slowing down websites. Netflix has already affirmed its support for stronger Net Neutrality rules that should ensure fair level playing ground for all websites on the internet.
“Your expectation and my expectation is that I want the entire internet, and I want the speed and the quality that I am paying for. The ISP’S should not say that well if you want to visit this site it is going to be a little bit slower. I mean you are paying for the entire internet you should get the entire internet,” said Mr. Beckerman.
Attention now shifts to the FCC waiting to see the kind of rules that the independent body will implement regarding the Net Neutrality Debacle. The body has already received petition form over 4 million people in the U.S with president Obama also weighing into the matter.
Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX) argues that new rules will go a long way in ensuring internet service providers don’t abuse their gatekeeper powers by levying more charges on websites in need of fast internet lanes.
“This is a regulatory filing at the Federal Communication commission. 4 million people thought it was important to have their voices heard. We would like to see the FCC act this year but if not, very quickly early next year. This has to be addressed right away, “said Mr. Beckerman.
Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX) has already stated that internet users should be given the opportunity of deciding the best and the bad on the internet and not broadband service providers. The remarks by the giant streaming company came in the wake of Obama requesting the FCC to implement the Net Neutrality policies.
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